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Articles & Resources for Recovery

Find help? here for DRUG ADDICTION OR ALCOHOL ADDICTION and all other Addictions. USE the help? HOT lines or see our NA, MA, AA, CA, OR PRESCRIPTION DRUGS! page for support groups in your area! click here


 AMAZING GRACE,Played on Bagpipes!

12 Questions about Marijuana?
1-Has smoking pot stopped being fun?
2-Do you ever get high alone?
3-Is it hard for you to imagine a life without marijuana?
4-Do you find that your friends are determined by your marijuana use?
5-Do you smoke marijuana to avoid dealing with your problems?
6-Do you smoke pot to cope with your feelings?
7-Does your marijuana use let you live in a privately defined world?
8-Have you ever failed to keep promises you made about cutting down or controlling your marijuana smoking?
9-Has your use of marijuana caused problems with memory,
concentration, or motivation?
10-When your stash is nearly empty, do you feel anxious or worried about how to get more?
11-Do you plan your life around your marijuana use?
12-Have friends or relatives ever complained that your pot smoking is damaging your relationship with them?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may have a problem with marijuana. Click here to get Help?
Call now for 24/7 help! from   855-404-33831

Loving a drug addict or an active alcoholic is the hardest thing you will ever do. Watching someone you love, who has fought so hard to beat addiction, throw everything away and sink back into a life that will most likely lead to jail or death, is one of the hardest things you will ever do. All you wanted was to help them back to a clean and sober life but you realize by doing this, as you have before, will now just be enabling them because it will show them that you will always be there to bail them out. You want to grab and shake them and say "What are you doing?!?!" But, at some point you realize that it wouldn't make a difference. So you sit back and watch the tragedy unfold, as if you are watching a movie. Feeling helpless to stop it, feeling like you haven't done enough to help, even though you know only the addict can help themselves. Having to disconnect yourself from them to save yourself from plunging into the abyss with them. It’s one of the hardest things you will ever experience. You love them from afar and keep praying that they will find their way. Battling a drug and/or an alcohol addiction is a beast for the person addicted and the ones who love them. So l am asking you to stand with me in prayer for every family member and friend who has lost or is losing their battle with drugs and alcohol and those who continue to conquer it!


​Addiction Help? and Hot Lines! for anyone suffering
from a Addiction!!




















Call now for 24/7 help! from   855-404-33831


National Treatment Hotline (800) 662-Help


Al-Anon and Alateen

1-888-4AL-ANON (1-888-425-2666)


Alcohol and Drug Helpline (800) 821-4357


Alcohol Rehab for the Elderly (800) 354-7089


Alcohol, Drugs, and Pregnancy Helpline (800) 638-2229


Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666


America Belongs to our Children (800) 783-6396


American Council on Alcoholism (800) 527-5344


American Council for Drug Education 800-488-3784


Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Workplace Helpline 1-800-WORKPLACE Children of Alcoholics Foundation (800) 359-COAF (359-2623)


Cocaine Anonymous (CA) 800-347-8998


CoAnon Family Groups 310-859-2206 Dual


Recovery Anonymous (800) 909-9372


European Treatment Hotline +31-76-522-7288


Families Anonymous (800) 736-9805


Gamblers Anonymous (213) 386-8789


Marijuana Anonymous (800) 766-6779 Nar-


Anon Family Groups 310-547-5800


Narcotics Anonymous (NA) 818-780-3951


National Council on Alcoholism and Drug


Dependence Hopeline (800) NCA-CALL (622-2255)


National Association for Children of Alcoholics 301-468-0985


National Women's Resource Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Abuse and Mental Illness (800) 354-8824


National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information 800-729-6686


National Inhalant Prevention Coalition 800-269-4237 or 512-480-8953 








The recovery village
866.235.4572  Recovery Is Possible
Find a Treatment Center Near You.
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Articles & Resources
If you want someone to talk to about your problem or need assistance in finding help, you can try the following phone numbers: Or you can E-MAIL US and we will help, talk , or Listen!
Without GOD, our week would be: Sinday,
Fightday &
If you are not ashamed of GOD,pass it on. Remember seven days WITHOUT GOD makes one WEAK!!


Recovery Connection can help.

Call 800-993-3869, 24/7 and speak with a specially trained addiction treatment coordinator.




Getting Help for Prescription Drug Addiction.


Call 1-866-643-6144 now to begin the process of change. Our free, 24 hour a day, 7 days per week drug helpline is here to assist you.



Famous People & Celebrities that Have Faced Prescription

Drug Addiction Problems




Eva Mendes

Paula Abdul

Rush Limbaugh


Lil’ Wayne

Lindsay Lohan

Heather Locklear

Andy Dick

Steven Tyler

Artie Lange

Kelly Osbourne

Michael Jackson




The recovery village
866.235.4572  Recovery Is Possible
Find a Treatment Center Near You.


RELAPSE happens for many reasons. A flare-up of psychiatric symptoms, spending time in old hangouts, financial troubles or depression can make you more prone to relapse. Even positive life events that are emotionally charged can also lead you to relapse, such as getting a promotion, receiving a raise or getting married. If you have gone back out and are using drugs and alcohol again, let Recovery Connection help you get your life back on track. Call us at 800-993-3869  Did You Relapse? • Warning Signs of Relapse • Are There Different Types of Relapses?


click here for Online Recovery Resources

If you have suffered from a DRUG or ALCOHOL RELAPSE- Recovery Connection can help.

Call 800-993-3869, 24/7 and speak with a specially trained addiction treatment coordinator.

Our staff, many of whom are in recovery, understand addiction and relapse. Getting the right treatment for your needs is paramount. Call now and rest assured, all calls are confidential. Did You Relapse? A relapse occurs when you return to using mood- and mind-altering substances after being clean and sober for a period of time. Initially, you may feel like you can manage using different substances because you have been sober. But experience shows that after you are addicted, it is highly unlikely that you can return to being a social user. The faster you seek addiction treatment after a relapse, the more likely that you’ll have fewer consequences from your addiction. Relapse begins with a simple thought: “Hey, this can’t hurt. I have a lot of time sober. I can handle this. I’m cured.” The disease of addiction lies dormant and plants little thoughts that grow if you give them power. Relapse has two stages: Mental, then physical. The idea of being able to control use is how addicts relapse mentally before a physical relapse. Warning Signs of Relapse Generally, there are warning signs that an alcoholic or a person addicted to drugs is in danger of a relapse. The warning signs are sometimes blatant and other times subtle. Some changes you will not notice but others in your life may point them out. It is important to be aware that your mind will relapse before you physically use drugs or alcohol. Some relapse warning signs include: • A negative shift in perspectives • A halt in engagement in healthy activities • Personal interaction with others is progressively more limited • Attendance at support groups stops or decreases • Sharing personal feelings and thoughts with others ceases • Obsessive thinking relating to alcohol or drug use increases • Resisting communication about problems • Discontinuing prescribed medication on one's own • Starting to hang out with old friends • Starting to hang out at old places • Discontinuing the aftercare plan designed for you in treatment • Dishonesty surfaces If you are struggling with relapse and would like to enter treatment today, call us at 800-993-3869. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience. Don’t stay out one day longer, get your sobriety back today! Are There Different Types of Relapses? A drug or alcohol relapse can be a “slip,” where you use a substance for a short period of time and then get right back on track with recovery. Alternatively, a relapse can be a full return to the use of drugs or alcohol with all the associated consequences and mental health issues. The longer a relapse goes unchecked, the more difficult it is and the longer it takes to re-enter full recovery. As you use drugs and alcohol, profound changes occur within the body and brain. The longer you use substances, the more time the brain has to enter an abnormal physiological state and the more time it will take to recover. The brain of drug addicts and alcoholics carries a type of “memory” of substance dependence. Even a short relapse can lead to a rapid and devastating return to abnormal brain receptor function, tolerance for the substance and subsequent withdrawal. This entire process can occur rapidly, over a period of days to weeks rather than years. In addition, stress produces hormonal changes that can lead to emotional and/or behavioral changes. You can combat these changes and maintain sobriety with a strong recovery plan and support group. A relapse is best handled by prevention. However, if a relapse occurs, a full recovery can still be achieved. find help? click here.


The only requirement to use this SITE  is a desire to stop using DRUGS and all

other mind-altering substances!


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